Whether it’s working with pencil, paintbrush, ink, or other mediums, Anna greatly enjoys creating art that is realistic and captivating.


Check out her work below!
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Graphite Pencil


Photorealism Drawing

Creating this pencil drawing of a girl and her horse was one of the most rewarding drawings I have created. The hours I spent finessing the tiniest details paid off in the end. This drawing took about 30 hours to complete

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The Process



Still Life

I took the picture that this still life was copied from in the late afternoon, with direct sunlight that created long, contrasting shadows. The dynamic shadows and funky textures made this piece very enjoyable to create. This was completely illustrated in Adobe Illustrator.

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Colored Pencil


Pumpkin Illustration

Going into this illustration, I had very little knowledge of experience using colored pencils. While this project was daunting at the start, I quickly found a technique that worked well and slowly built up the colors. Learning to shade the dark areas with the chosen color’s cmplement turned out to be one of the most useful tricks I picked up. This project too about 30 hours to complete.

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The Process



Book Illustrations

For this project I selected an unillustrated chapter book to read and came up with three unique chapter illustrations. All pieces were done using ink pen. My favorite piece is the ship, as illustrating the different textures, waves, and rigging proved challenging and exciting. I also enjoyed illustrating the idfferent people and pirates in the pieces.

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The Pieces